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I Just Got to Find Someone to Love Me by Jill Baby Love 45rpm

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He may be a strong, masculine, independent dude. He may say he doesn't like to be fussed over. He may even scoff at mushy sentiments. But if he's like most men, your guy needs to hear how much you care about him from time to time.

Besides, it's not all about him. Sometimes you need to say it as much as he needs to hear it. Expressing your love not only feels good, but helps you sort out those strong feelings you have for your man.

Of course, that's only if you can find the right words. To help you out, we've put together this big list of sweet love messages for him. Whether it's for a boyfriend, fiancé, or longtime hubby, these romantic messages are designed to make your guy feel loved.

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Short | Long | Husband | Boyfriend | Deep

Note: These messages are of the "just because" variety. If you're looking for a special birthday message for your guy, see this article.


Here are some short messages that are perfect for conveying your love in a text message, greeting card, or note.


For a more elaborate expression of love, check out these long romantic messages.

  • I don't need coffee in the morning. I just need to think about you, and pretty soon I start to feel giddy about what the new day will bring. Your love is the ultimate stimulant.
  • I don't need coffee in the morning. I just need to think about you, and pretty soon I start to feel giddy about what the new day will bring. Your love is the ultimate stimulant.
  • When you walk into the room, my stomach does backflips. When you look into my eyes, it sends tingles through my body. When you kiss me, it's like an out of body experience. It would take a paranormal investigator to figure out what you do to me.
  • I'm the happiest woman in the world when I'm with you. It doesn't matter if we're out on the town, in front of the TV, or… doing other things. Being with you just feels right.
  • When we first met, I thought you were the coolest, handsomest guy in the world. Now I see that you're so much more. There's a kind and loving heart under that gorgeous exterior. You truly are the complete package.
  • Even though we've only been together a short time, I feel such a strong connection to you. You're a beautiful person, inside and out. Whatever happens with us, I hope I can always have you in my life.

For a Husband

Whether you and your husband are newlyweds or longstanding lovebirds, here are some messages that show him how much you care.

  • Marrying you was the best decision I ever made. And the easiest.
  • Marrying you was the best decision I ever made. And the easiest.
  • You know how I like to remind you of things. Well, today I'm reminding you that you're the best husband in the world. I love you.
  • I don't want to wait until a birthday or anniversary to tell my husband how much I love him. You are incredible, and I'm so lucky to have you.
  • Thanks for being my strong and sensitive guy all these years. I don't know what I'd do without you.
  • All these years together, and I've never felt more in love with you. I just had to let you know.
  • Thanks for being my friend, my lover, and my hero. I'm so happy I get to spend my life with you.
  • Being your wife is the joy of my life. Thank you for choosing me, hubby.
  • I will never get tired of seeing your face in the morning, or feeling your touch in the evening.
  • I will never get tired of seeing your face in the morning, or feeling your touch in the evening.
  • All these years, and I still feel pangs of sadness whenever we part, and a burst of joy when we reunite.
  • You still thrill me, baby. I hope you know that.

For a Boyfriend

If you have a great beau, you just have to let him know. Here are some wonderful love messages for a wonderful boyfriend.

  • I get lots of texts, but you are far and away my favorite ding.
  • You're my favorite ding.
  • Just wanted to remind you that you're the best, coolest, sexiest, and handsomest boyfriend in the whole world.
  • I can't stop thinking about my beautiful boyfriend. Somebody please wipe this goofy grin off my face!
  • I wake up happy every day knowing that it's another day of having you as my boyfriend.
  • I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. And I wouldn't want to, because I already have the guy for me.
  • You're so much more than a boyfriend. You're my best friend and my true love.
  • You amaze me every day, baby. Best. Boyfriend. Ever.
  • I really, really love being your girlfriend. And you know what else I love? You.

Looking for the words to wish your boyfriend a Merry Christmas? We have some suggestions.

Deep Love Messages For Him

Finally, here are some romantic messages that are especially heartfelt and passionate. Recommended only for serious relationships (or ones that are headed that way).

If you liked these romantic messages for him, check out these fun and flirty ways to say good morning to your guy.

I Just Got to Find Someone to Love Me by Jill Baby Love 45rpm
